Wednesday, February 12, 2025 • Vol. 147, No. 38

Article Submissions

The Astoria South Fulton Argus accepts news submissions. Please include a contact name and phone number with your article or press release. Please note that if the news item is concerning a for-profit event, you will be required to also take out a display ad about the event.

Deadline for news submissions is 3:00 p.m. on Mondays prior to that week's issue.
(On weeks containing a holiday, such as Memorial Day or Labor Day, the deadline may be earlier.
Call 309-329-2151 for more information.)

To e-mail an article or press release, send it to and put NEWS in the subject line. We accept .txt or .docx electronic file attachments, or you can copy and paste text directly into the email.

We have PDF forms available for common types of submissions. You can download the files, open them using free Adobe Reader software, print them out, fill in the information and mail them back to us at the following address:

The Astoria South Fulton Argus
PO Box 590
Astoria, IL 61501

To download the free Adobe Reader software, click the button below:

Get Adobe Reader


Here are the PDFs available for download:


There is a way for you to submit your news to us: PDFs that can be filled out electronically and
e-mailed back to us, instead of having to print them out first. The links above will lead you to our downloadable PDF forms. After you download the file, just open it up in Adobe Reader and fill out the form right there. Then click the "submit" button at the bottom. It should automatically open up your mail software and set up an e-mail message for us. Before clicking "send", you can attach any photos you may wish to include with your form (see photo requirements below).

Please let us know if you have any trouble with the process. E-mail us at and we will look into any issues.

Photo Submissions

The Astoria South Fulton Argus accepts digital photo submissions, but there are a few guidelines you need to follow. If you e-mail the files, please use the subject line to describe what you are sending.

Digital photos: JPEG files are preferred. They must be at least 200 dpi saved with "no compression". Please do not alter, resize or sharpen the image. Images retrieved directly from the digital camera or smartphone with no alterations are best. Web photos at 72 dpi are not acceptable for print media.

Scanned photos: Apply the same rules as required for digital photos. Scan photos at 200 dpi, 1024 x 1024 pixels minimum (640 x 480 is too low). Avoid scanning from printed works such as newspapers, postcards, inkjet prints, magazines, etc. Web photos at 72 dpi are not acceptable for print media.

  • Please do not send pictures with the date/time stamp on the front.
  • Please do not send more than two pictures per event.
  • You may bring a digital camera card into the Argus office and we can copy the picture from your card.
  • Remember that photos from professional photographers require permission to be used.

Community Calendar Submissions

The Community Calendar contains events happening from Wednesday (date of printing) to the next ten days (to the next Saturday) with the exception of Homecomings, etc. for people who live away from the area needing the extra time to plan. We do not print church-related items in the calendar. For church-related items, consult the church notes column in the printed issue of the Astoria South Fulton Argus. If you wish to submit an item for the calendar concerning a for-profit event, you will be required to also take out a display ad about the event.

Deadline for calendar submissions is 3:00 p.m. on Mondays prior to that week's issue.
(On weeks containing a holiday, such as Memorial Day or Labor Day, the deadline may be earlier. Call 309-329-2151 for more information.)

To e-mail an item for the community calendar, send it to and put CALENDAR in the subject line.

You can also snail-mail news and calendar submissions to us at:

The Astoria South Fulton Argus
Attn: Editorial Dept.
P.O. Box 590
Astoria, IL 61501

The Argus reserves the right to edit or reject any submission.