Wednesday, January 22, 2025 • Vol. 147, No. 35


The Astoria South Fulton Argus is published every Wednesday. Circulation is 2,000.

There are four different kinds of ads in the Astoria South Fulton Argus:

The deadline for receiving advertising is Monday at 3 p.m. for the current week's issue. (On weeks containing a holiday, such as Memorial Day or Labor Day, the deadline may be earlier. Call 309-329-2151 for more information.) Please note that there is an earlier deadline for large legals; they are due by noon on Friday.

Our newspaper is printed offset on a 1.57 inch column measure, 6 columns x 16 inches per page.

PDF files are acceptable. Images used should be at least 200 dpi, and should be either grayscale for b/w ads or CMYK for full-color ads. All fonts must be embedded.

We offer FREE ad design for all of our advertisers. Fax, call or e-mail your information.

Display Ads

There are different rates for display ads:

Black & White

  • Local Open (B&W) - $4.00 per column inch
  • Standing Ads (B&W) (Ads that run 6 mo. with only 1 change. Max 20 col. in.) - $3.50 per column inch


  • Up to 23" - $4.00 per column inch
  • Quarter page (24") up to 47" - $80 flat fee
  • Half page (48") up to 72" - $120 flat fee
  • 73" to full page (96") - $200 flat fee
  • National commissionable rate - $3.70

All "Thank You" and "In Memoriam" notes are considered as advertising ($4.00 per col. in.) and will be placed in a box -- 2x2, $16; 2x3, $24; 2x4, $32; etc. Deadline is Monday 3 p.m. and payment must accompany ad. Ad will not appear in paper until payment is received.

"Happy" ads include personal greetings for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. If you mail pictures to the Argus, payment must accompany them or they will not be printed. Happy ads are charged at the following rates:

  • One person in picture - $1.00 each
  • Two or more people in picture - $2.00 each


Classified ads must be paid for in advance with cashiers check or money order (unless you have an established account) or they will not be run. We do not accept credit cards. Deadline is Monday 3:00 p.m. Ad rates are as follows:

  • 25¢ per word - $3.75 minimum
  • Box Ad in Classifieds - $4.00 per col. inch
  • $2.50 service charge if tearsheet is required
  • $6.00 service charge for a blind (Box No.) ad


All legals run as box legals only, at $4.00 per column inch.

Please note that the deadline for large legals is Friday at noon.


To run in the Argus, you will need a total of 2,000 inserts, for a flat fee of $175. If the inserts need to be folded, it is $35 per 1,000.