ObituariesListed below are the obits published in the past month in the Astoria South Fulton Argus, in alphabetical order by issue. More recent obituaries are listed toward the top. Obituaries older than a month can be found by following the links below.*
Submitting an ObituaryIf you would like to submit an obituary, there is no fee. You can download our obituary submission form HERE. The file is a PDF document that you can fill out and return electronically. To open the file, you will need the free Adobe Reader software. If you have a photo, you can attach it to the email when you return the form. For more information on submissions to the Argus, please click HERE. To download the free Adobe Reader software, click the button below:Finding an Archived ObituaryA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZTo find an archived obituary, click above on the first letter of their last name. Maiden names and additional married names will be cross-referenced with married names at the time of death, so try whichever name you know. If you don't find a name at first, please come back to our site another time and try again. This is a long-term archival project and will continually be updated as we have the time to do so. Our obituary record index currently goes back to Jan. 1914. We also have access to microfilm covering older obituaries beginning in 1886, and some of those obituaries are also being added as time permits. You can email us at with any obit requests for obituaries you do not yet find here. PLEASE NOTE: We are missing microfilm for the year between Aug. 23, 1939-Aug. 28, 1940. We are also missing microfilm for the year between Aug. 1949-Aug 1950. Any issues from June 1910 up to Jan. 29, 1930, were called The Argus-Search Light. Beginning on Feb. 5, 1930, the name was tweaked to The Argus-Searchlight. "Astoria" was added to the name sometime after that, to be called The Astoria Argus-Searchlight (Laura's note - I will add that date here once I determine the exact date), which remained the name up to and including the Nov. 6, 1974 issue. Papers after that date were published under the The Astoria South Fulton Argus name when The Astoria Argus-Searchlight combined subscribers with The Table Grove Herald. CLICK HERE for the Master List (Jan. 5, 1914 - current)We have compiled a master list of all obituaries beginning Jan. 5, 1914, to the current week. The list is organized alphabetically by most recent surname, and summarizes each person's name(s), age, death date, and town of residence at the time of death if available. This can aid you in narrowing down the issue of the Argus in which the obituary was published. Please click HERE to access the master list. Please note that there are now a number of obituaries older than 1914 available; if you are looking for an older obit, check our index and see if we have added them yet. Obituaries may be available in full online; if so, they are marked (FULL OBIT) in the index. You can access these by clicking on the words "(FULL OBIT)." We currently have all obits from 1995 to the present completed. For obits older than 1995, only the estimated year of publication is listed on the surname pages until they are added to the archive. Item of note: There are a number of local towns — such as Vermont, Cuba, Tennessee, Washington — that may appear to be states or countries to a researcher not familiar with the area. In this index, place names are assumed to be in Illinois unless otherwise noted. As we continue adding older obituaries to our online collection, we have run across some that are only short death notices. They contain limited information, but we are including them, marked as "(BRIEF OBIT)", as they can occasionally help with genealogy research. Back issues of the Astoria South Fulton Argus are available for sale for a year following publication. Older issues are available for viewing on microfilm at the Schuyler Jail Museum and Genealogical Center in Rushville or the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield. For more information, please click HERE. We have also been adding a few additional obituaries that were not originally published in the Argus, but by other publications in the area. They have been compiled by Marilee Griffin and Lonnie Weinstein, who have relatives in the area. We will attribute the original publication in these cases when we can, so that you know the original source. We appreciate their offer to help round out the genealogical record for researchers. Where possible, we are cross-referencing information from the Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths Index, in order to have more complete information listed, especially for those obituaries or death notices that are very short. |