Investigating Cause Of Farmer’s Death

Douglas Whitmore, a well-to-do farmer residing near Canton died at the Graham hospital last Wednesday morning under conditions which baffle the county officials.

At an inquest held the theory was advanced that he had taken bi-cloride-of-mercury poison which had caused his death. According to his wife’s story he was mentally unbalanced and is of the opinion he took the poison with suicidal intent. After hearing the evidence of witnesses at the inquest it was the general belief the deceased had been poisoned, but there was no evidence that fixed the blame on anyone.

An autopsy was held and the stomach, kidneys and spleen were sent to a Chicago chemist, who will make an analysis, after which the coroner’s jury can make such further investigation as the conditions will warrant.

Monday evening at the hospital without the knowledge of the physicians, Mr. Whitmore signed a will, and it is reported that by the will all his personal property was left to his wife. The wife and their 18 year old son was present.


Published in the Argus-Search Light on 2/11/1920

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Ptomaine Poison Causes Death

It has been determined that Douglas Whitmore’s death was due to ptomaine poisoning, a decision reached by a coroner’s jury, a few days ago.

It will be remembered that Mr. Whitmore who was a farmer residing near Canton died under mysterious circumstances a short time ago and it was suspicioned that he was given a slow poison by some one.


Published in the Argus-Search Light on 2/25/1920


Current Obituaries in the Astoria South Fulton Argus