Ralph Van Landingham

Ralph VanLandingham of Athens, who was shot four times by his wife Friday night, October 10, while he was asleep at his home, died Sunday at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, and his wife, Goldie and John (Shorty) Bohnstedt, a roomer at the VanLandingham home, are held without bail in the county jail, awaiting action of the Grand Jury, which convenes Monday morning. Surgeons performed an operation on VanLandingham, and removed two bullets that were embedded in his brain. The operation was not performed with any great hope of saving his life, but surgeons realized that he had no chance to live with the bullets in his brain, and there was a bare chance that he might recover.


Published in the Argus-Searchlight on 10/29/1930


Current Obituaries in the Astoria South Fulton Argus