Adam Myers

On Tuesday afternoon, Adam Myers, aged ninety-three years, departed this life after three months’ sickness with heart disease. Years ago, when a teamster, he used to load and unload a barrel of whisky himself. Throughout his whole life he was a hard working man. His close attention to his business and his frugal habits, enabled him to lay up quite a fortune. He was married twice; his first wife died about thirty years ago. He leaves a widow and one daughter to mourn his loss. he was highly respected by all who knew him. — Hanover (Pa) Herald.

Mr. Myers was a brother of John B. Myers, residing east of Astoria, and has a host of friends and acquaintances living in Woodland and Astoria township who will mourn his loss.


Published in the Astoria Argus on 5/17/1894


Current Obituaries in the Astoria South Fulton Argus