Two Killed In 3-Car Crash

On Route No. 78 East of Bath, Illinois, Sunday Morning

Two Chandlerville, Ill. men were instantly killed, a pair of Peorians and two Bartonville residents were injured in a three-car automobile crash on Route No. 78, one-half mile south of Bath, Sunday morning.

The dead are Walter Garner, 33 years old, Chandlerville, athletic coach at Arenzville, Ill., high school, and Arthur Lee Johnson, 21 years old.

Injured are Mrs. Flora Littrel, 59 years old, Peoria, who is in the St. Francis hospital, Peoria, suffering from chest injuries, and Mrs. Stella Hittle, Bartonville, who is being held at the hospital for observation. Tom Holloway, Peoria and Francis Hittle, Bartonville, Bartonville, son of the injured woman, were reported slightly injured but were not in the hospital.

The two Peorians and the Bartonville pair were returning to Peoria from Whitehall, when their auto was struck from the rear by the car driven by Johnson. The Johnson car upon hitting the Peoria auto swerved into the other lane where it struck head-on with the car driven by Garner.

Cars of the Chandlerville men were demolished and the other car occupied by the Peorians and Bartonville residents was badly damaged. Johnson was driving to Matanza Beach to get his mother.


Published in the Astoria Argus-Searchlight on 10/30/1940



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