Infant DeGroot

The people of Augusta and La Prairie were horrified Friday night, to hear that the 11-day old baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert DeGrott had been murdered, her body being found in a watering tank near the house of the DeGrott farm, which is in the Hog Jaw school neighborhood, about halfway between Augusta and La Prairie. That such a crime could have been committed in a neighborhood where resides the best families of our early-day pioneers was almost unbelievable and the mystery of the murder has not yet been solved.


Published in the Argus-Search Light on 7/21/1920

[Laura's note: The original obit spelled her last name "DeGrott", but both the Illinois Deaths and Stilbirths Index and the baby's tombstone read "DeGroot".]


Current Obituaries in the Astoria South Fulton Argus