Aaron Bellangee

VERMONT — Died, at his home in this place Saturday, April 21st, after a short illness of stomach and heart trouble, Mr. Aaron Belangee. Mr. Belangee came here when young from his native state, Ohio, as early as 1835, and has lived on a farm in this township, 4 miles south of Ipava, all his life, with the exception of the past twelve years when he lived here. Like most of the early settlers who came here he was a Quaker or friend. He was united in marriage to Miss Elmira Hannum in 1848, who with two daughters survive him. Mr. Belangee was a quiet and unobtrusive citizen, industrious and honest. His religion was of the practical kind and put into his every day life. He was one of the evenest tempered men your correspondent ever knew, and it is said of him he was never heard to utter an angry word or use profane language. His neighbors all loved and respected him. His good deeds and kind words will long be remembered. The remains were interred in the Quaker cemetery mid-way between here and Ipava, by the side of many of the early settlers who have passed to the land beyond the River.


Published in the Astoria Search Light on 4/26/1900 and 5/3/1900

[Laura's note: His obituary spells his last name "Belangee", but other records (including his tombstone) suggest "Bellangee". I am not positive which spelling is the correct one. Also: the obit that ran the second week was worded exactly as the previous week.]


Current Obituaries in the Astoria South Fulton Argus